Monday, August 31, 2009

Your Health Care

Think 3 Ps: Good health care is preventive, predictive and personalized, a rarity today in a crisis-oriented care system far better at treating disease than keeping it at bay. It's going beyond standard disease-of-the-day care to involve a range of extra factors (physical, lifestyle habits, mind-body interaction) that play a role in preventing illness, and helping people stick with recommended changes long enough to see a benefit.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

dNeero Flash Embed V2 Test

We're starting to roll out a new flash embed widget and need your help. We'll do a few tests and then we'll do a few convos asking for your feedback on V2. Thanks for the help.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Visual Talking -- Put Images Where Your Mouth Is!

A Visual Talking contest ... $1,500 total ... we want you to win!!

Mark Grace, founder of Visual Talking, thanks all dNeero-ites for their suggestions and comments. Because of you, Visual Talking has redesigned their site and added features. They're not done, so please keep those suggestions and comments coming.

The main purpose of this convo is build up the inventory of standard sentences - these are sentences that we use often - think of those texting abbreviations like OMG, LOL, CMON, WU?, GAL.

We'd like you to create standard sentences ... create as many as you wish. And to encourage you to do that, we are going to run a contest. We'll choose the top 20 standard sentences in each category (Greetings, Questions, Answers, Love, Action), and then run another convo in which you'll choose your favorite sentences. The top five in each category will share a $300 purse ($150, $75, $35, $25, $15) ... and you may win in multiple categories!!

How do we choose the top 20? It's up to you ... your answer to question 7 below will help determine the five criteria our judges will use.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Paalam, President Cory!

Thank you very much! We love you!

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